Selenium – Purchase Book

This test

  • logs in,
  • checks JavaScript functionality,
  • checks precision settings,
  • checks wrong / correct input,
  • checks changing of existing data,
  • checks entering various goods,
  • and checks table functionality.
Purchase Book
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookStart
open index.php?state=logout
type mailLogin
type passLogin testpass
clickAndWait buttonLogin
verifyElementNotPresent name=purchasebook
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookCreateClient
open index.php
verifyElementPresent name=purchasebook
clickAndWait name=purchasebook
verifyElementPresent name=newpurchasebookitem
clickAndWait name=newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K1
type txtName Mehl
type txtDate 01.01.2006
type txtVendor Bäcker
Mehlgasse 3
1234 Mehlburg
type numAmount 6,50
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID B2
type txtName Wasser
type txtDate 02.02.2006
type txtVendor Wasserwerk
Am Fluß
4444 See
type numAmount 0,60
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K3
type txtName Eier
type txtDate 03.03.2006
type txtVendor Eiermann
an der Haustür
type numAmount 35,90
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID B4
type txtName Salz
type txtDate 05.03.2006
type txtVendor Salzbergwerk
1234 Salzburg
type numAmount 5,40
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K15
type txtName Brot
type txtDate 06.07.2006
type txtVendor Bächerei
Mühlweg 1
type txtVendor Bächerei
Mühlweg 1
gleiches Dorf
type numAmount 123,40
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K35
type txtName Wurst
type txtDate 14.07.2006
type txtVendor Fleischerei
Wurschtweg 1
1483 Vegicity
type numAmount 123,45
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID B444
type txtName Fernseher
type txtDate 09.09.2006
type txtVendor Großhändler
type numAmount 15000,00
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K1234
type txtName Radios
type txtDate 01.05.2007
type txtVendor Radioschak
type numAmount 1488,44
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K1344
type txtName Kaugummis
type txtDate 03.06.2007
type txtVendor Gummizwerg
type numAmount 123,46
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID B455
type txtName Rasierklingen
type txtDate 03.07.2007
type txtVendor Stahlwaren
type numAmount 555,00
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait newpurchasebookitem
type txtID K4444
type txtName Posten 11
type txtDate 17.07.2007
type txtVendor niemand
type numAmount 0,00
clickAndWait buttonSavePurchaseBookItem
clickAndWait purchasebook
clickAndWait link=Nr.
clickAndWait link=Nr.
clickAndWait link=Beleg
clickAndWait link=Beleg
clickAndWait link=Bezeichnung
clickAndWait link=Bezeichnung
clickAndWait link=Kaufpreis
clickAndWait link=Kaufpreis
selectAndWait txtMonth label=05.2007
selectAndWait txtMonth label=07.2006
typeAndWait txtWhat t
typeAndWait txtWhat a
typeAndWait txtWhat
selectAndWait txtMonth label=Datum
clickAndWait //a[contains(@href, ‘page2’)]
clickAndWait link=<
clickAndWait link=>
clickAndWait link=<
open test/selenium/prepare.php?what=purchaseBookStop