Traveling-Expenses Requirements

Traveling Expenses

ID: TE001
Description: The traveling-expenses report allows the recording daily allowances or costs for over-night stays of company-related traveling.
Rationale: The main purpose of the traveling-expenses report is to store records about daily allowances or costs for over-night stays of company travel.
Fit Criterion: The ea-Geier provides an interface to enter and maintain traveling expenses. [pA4]

Traveling-Expenses Data

ID: TE002
Description: Each record has a unique id provided by the system.
Rationale: The system will give each transaction an unique id in the order of entering the records.
Fit Criterion: Each has a unique id provided by the system. [pA4]
ID: TE003
Description: Each record has name field describing the purpose of the travel.
Rationale: To name the purpose of the travel the user needs a text field.
Fit Criterion: Each form holds a not-empty text field describing the purpose of the travel. [pA4]
ID: TE004
Description: Each record stores the traveling date given by the user, and the dates for the generation and last manipulation of the record.
Rationale: The user has to define the date of the travel. In addition the system will store the date of the generation and manipulation of the record.
Fit Criterion: Each record stores the date given by the user, the first generation and the last manipulation. [pA4]
ID: TE005
Description: Each record has text field holding time period of the travel.
Rationale: To enter the time period of the travel the user needs a text field.
Fit Criterion: Each record holds a not-empty text field describing the time period of the travel. [pA4]
ID: TE006
Description: The total daily allowances of the travel is stored by the system.
Rationale: To enter the total daily allowances of the travel the user needs a number field.
Fit Criterion: Each record stores the total daily allowances of the travel. [pA4]
ID: TE007
Description: The total allowances of over-night stays is stored by the system.
Rationale: To enter the total allowances of over-night stays the user needs a number field.
Fit Criterion: Each record stores the total daily allowances of the travel. [pA4]
ID: TE008
Description: The tax-rate, the vat value, and the net costs of the travel are stored by the system.
Rationale: To enter the applicable tax-rate and VAT value of the daily allowances and costs for over-night stays as well as the net costs of the travel the user needs adequate number fields.
Fit Criterion: Each record stores the the tax-rate, the VAT value, and the net costs of the travel. [pA4]
ID: TE009
Description: Each record has text field holding references to the vouchers of the travel booked in the cash book.
Rationale: Vouchers already stored in the the cash book should not be booked again in the traveling expenses. A text field should hold the references to those bookings.
Fit Criterion: Each record holds a text field describing traveling vouchers booked in the cash book. [pA4]
ID: TE010
Description: Each record has fields holding the driven distance, the mileage rate, and the resulting mileage allowance.
Rationale: The mileage allowance is calculated by multiplying the driven distance by the mileage rate. The user need three number fields to enter those values
Fit Criterion: Each record holds a fields describing the driven distance, the mileage rate, and the resulting mileage allowance. [pA4]
ID: TE011
Description: The number format is configurable on a client basis.
Rationale: The number format may be different depending on the country of the user. e.g. 123,45 EUR compared to 123.45 USD.
Fit Criterion: The owner of a client can define the number format in which the data will be entered and displayed. [pA4]


ID: TE012
Description: The system shows sortable tables of a certain amount of records.
Rationale: To provide an overview of the entries the system has provide a list of the entries. To navigate inside this list it needs to be sortable and paginated.
Fit Criterion: The system is able to show the data as sortable tables with pages limited to a user-specific number of entries. [pA4]
ID: TE013
Description: The system shows a detailed data of single records.
Rationale: To see all available data for a record a list would be too complex.
Fit Criterion: The system is able to show the detailed data of a single record. [pA4]
ID: TE014
Description: The user can search for specific records.
Rationale: The user might also want to search for a specific record.
Fit Criterion: A search function provides means to find specific records defined by date, records, etc. [pA4]
ID: TE015
Description: The user can print single records, parts, or the complete traveling-expenses report.
Rationale: The user will want to print the traveling-expenses report.
Fit Criterion: A print function allows to print single records, parts as well as the complete traveling-expenses report. [pA4]

Additional Functionality

ID: TE016
Description: A history log stores all data changes.
Rationale: To provide the complete history of a transaction, the system has to log all changes.
Fit Criterion: The system stores each manipulation of a record. [future feature – depends on used database]